

そういえばこの前DVD借りて女騒ぎしたsex and the city1でも、

2 件のコメント:

  1. i was talking with a friend of mine, who's dated the same guy for six years. right now with the way my love life is going (hitting the rock bottom again) i'm skeptical of dating and being together with someone else, just the way i always am when things aren't going well for me. i asked her how it'd be possible to be in love with the same person for six years, and if she was still atrracted to him.

    and she said she wasn't attracted to him the way she used to be. she used to be head over heels about him - not anymore. but now, she said, he's like her arm. a part of her very own self.

    this morning i was reading an interview of an old korean professor and writer, who just passed away. he was asked about how he met his wife. he said it wasn't really love in the beginning - it was an arranged marriage. but now he knows, after all the years they spent together, there is love between them. his mind and her mind as one, like water and water being mixed, and being a body of water, something that natural, and there is no separation between him and her. just like my friend said - someone else as a part of me.

    but the thing is i'm young and naive, and that doesn't really sound great to me. i want to love a person that is not a part of me. i want that otherness, the mysteriousness of someone who is not me, someone with a heart of his own and a mind of his own that i can't quite fully understand. i want that excitement of exploration, the feeling of your heart beating fast, even with the frustration that comes with it...

    so i wonder, when would i get tired of that feeling? how do people ever feel sure enough to get MARRIED???

  2. Im not sure if you will ever see this but it just popped in mind, and I feel like making a tamanegi hoodie. I should design it and make one for you and send it so that we could wear the same thing and feel tamanegi-like, upsidedown and the other way round on the globe.



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